Mistakes to avoid for Mommy bloggers is an attempt to outline different types of errors mom bloggers tend to make in their blogging journey. And because of these errors, a large percentage of mom bloggers do not reach their goals and give up on their vision. 

Many mommies who are fond of content creation, and take up blogging to fill in their vacant time, or seek a creative outlet, or use it as a source of financial independence, are often disheartened when the blog fails, even after dedicated work. 

The point is that blogging, unlike what most people say or believe, is not a no-brainer job. You need to give it your all to be able to create the right content. One important thing to ensure is to stay away from these roadblocks.

Mistakes to Avoid for Mommy Bloggers

Mistakes to avoid for Mommy bloggers

There are about 4.4 million mom bloggers in the world today. How many of them are successful and earning their dream money or living their dream life? A minuscule percentage! So, what is the reason behind this vast inconsistency?

If you are beginning your journey as a mom blogger, you might want to have a look at this blog post that talks about Rare insights from a mommy blogger.

As a new mom blogger if you are facing issues into turning your blog into a full-fledged profitable venture, then you need to keep yourself away from these errors. Also you would find a lot of resources that would help you succeed in your mompreneurship journey here.

1.    Creating content on what you want and not knowing what your audience wants
2.    Having no personal touch to the content
3.    Choosing a niche that pertains to motherhood only
4.    Treating it like a part-time job or a temporary filler
5.    Using your blog to Whine & preach
6.    Not choosing and sticking to your niche
7.    Not following SEO and other relevant guidelines
8.    Not including data, facts and figures
9.    Not publishing content regularly
10.  Not using Call to Action 
11.  Posting too often 
12.  Not indulging in networking
13.  Posts look artificial 
14.  Not focussing on the right technologies
15.  Not using social media

1. Mistakes to Avoid for Mommy Bloggers | Creating Content on what you want & not knowing your Audience

This is one common mistake that most bloggers commit. Not only mom bloggers but generally, every person who sits down to create content does so based on what she thinks the audience wants to read.

Of course this is based on an assumption that your audience would like to read all what you write. This can be called a fair assumption only if you have identified clearly & know the pulse of your audience well. If you have spent enough time researching and creating a persona of your reader well.

People read what they love to read. So, you need to create content that strikes a chord with maximum number of your people who visit your blog.

Your blogs should be able to add value to the reader’s life – if not; it is not worth the try!

Mistakes to Avoid for Mommy Bloggers

2.  Having No personal touch to the content

One thing that mom bloggers often do, maybe in a haste to get started, or maybe due to lack of experience, is to not study the audience in detail and not identify the persona of the reader.

This means that once the idea of blogging starts to form in your mind, you must spend time on understanding the target audience who is going to be at the center of your blog.

Again, the assumption is one of the biggest mistakes that you are committing. Without studying your audience profile, it is suicidal to start with content creation. Rather start late after thorough research, than starting impromptu with no clarity about the reader that you are targeting.

The other aspect of personal touch to your blog is to introduce your audience to who you are. A little short write-up about yourself is an amazingly effective way to establish a bond with your reader.

3.   Choosing a niche that pertains to motherhood only

One of the mistakes to avoid for mommy bloggers is to huddle in the already compact niche of motherhood stories. Okay, since you are a mom blogger, once or twice you can venture into your journeys and sojourns.

But, not every time, please! Understandably you want to let your readers know about your trials and tribulations during motherhood, but no harm diverting and taking up some other niche that you love – it could be cooking, travel, gaming, or any other niche like IT, automobiles, and so on.

You can blend your choicest niche with motherhood and talk about it. For example, you could focus on how a mother can be a travel enthusiast and blog about her travel with her kids.

4.  Mistakes to Avoid for Mommy Bloggers | Treating it like a part-time and temporary filler

Being a mommy blogger is a full-time job. The mindset with most mothers, however, is to treat blogging lightly; to keep pushing it to the lower rung of the ladder; prioritize other responsibilities over blogging.

The point is that you cannot treat it as a side business. If you do so, you will get the rewards accordingly. If you give your blog its due respect, just like any other job or business, it will also pay you back, in some time, of course.

5.   Start preaching and whining

Another quite commonly occurring mistake on part of mom bloggers is to treat their blog as their boxing punch pad. As a result, all their grievances start to pour out on the blog – and the result, before soon the readers get bored.

The other extreme of this mistake is when the blogger starts to think that she knows it all. Hence, that ‘I Know Everything’ and ‘What I say is the best’ starts to get onto the audience.

Remember attitude matters but let that be positively oriented.

6.   Not choosing and sticking to a niche

One mistake to avoid for mommy bloggers is about not being consistent and going in for any topic, just like that. This means to say that you cannot simply decide to shift to and fro between various niches. You will get your audience confused.

The idea is to stick with one niche. If you want to diversify, inform your audience, build a story around it, take their feedback and comments. Make your readers a part of the decision. Do not just throw in any niche, any topic on their face thinking that it does not matter.

Your readers come to your blog not because of you but because of your content. There is some sort of value addition happening which is why they come to your blog. Do not disappoint them.

7.  Mistakes to Avoid for Mommy Bloggers | Not following SEO and other relevant guidelines

Understandably, you may not be technically oriented. But, if you are working hours is spent online, in the virtual medium, you need to have some knowledge about the technicalities.

Search engine optimization is the best way to get organic traffic to your site. It is a good idea to enrol for an online tutorial and gain some knowledge in this domain.

Mistakes to Avoid for Mommy Bloggers

If you have the resources, you could look at hiring a professional too. SEO is a set of guidelines that govern search engines like Google. If your blog is relevant to the guidelines, the search engine will be able to find your site faster and rank it higher on its search result page.

Since this is that needs expertise, the ideal thing to do would be hire experts!

8.    Not including too many data, facts, and figures

You write your blog, make it interesting, and put everything in it but forget to back your views with data. A big mistake!

This is a very frequent mistake that bloggers do, in general too. They forget the fact that by including statistics and relevant data you can make your blog more optimized and honest.

Even algorithms place a lot of value on factual information. Ensure to include suitable data in your blog, to make it more impressive and engaging.

9.  Not publishing regularly

Again, a very common error that mom bloggers make! You generally tend to do this because of a lack of time or when you are not seriously committed to the blog as much as you should.

Not publishing content on a scheduled basis can cause disappointment in your followers and readers. You need to develop a sincere and structured schedule for yourself and make sure to meet it with complete commitment.

10. Mistakes to Avoid for Mommy Bloggers | Not using Call to Action

What is the purpose of your blog? Information, tips, persuading the readers to undertake an action after reading – what?

Most blogs just end. There is no call to action. CTA is a positive sign and even if most of your readers do not react or do anything, you should still include it.

Mistakes to Avoid for Mommy Bloggers

A call for subscribing to your blog, or receive a newsletter, or make a purchase, or leave a comment – anything – have a CTA at the end. People who love to read your content will respond. It makes them feel wanted too!

11.   Posting too often

Just like posting infrequently is a grave mistake, posting too often can also be misleading. Your audience might start to treat you lightly. Remember, the quality of posts also suffers when you do it way too often.

The best thing to do is to set a schedule and follow it with all sincerity. Maintain a balance so that your impressions with your reader stay intact.

12.   Not indulging in networking

Many mom bloggers think that there is nothing to gain from networking with co-bloggers. Remember it is a community. And we all need the support of our community sometime or other.

Also, when you interact and network with other co-bloggers, the chances of link building and brand collaborations increases manifolds. It is good for your blog if done the right way.

13.   Posts look artificial

One of another mistakes to avoid for mommy bloggers is to present content that looks fake. Things cannot be too perfect or too imperfect in the real world.

A real-life scenario will have messy aspects; there would be ups and downs. If your content is too picture-perfect, your readers will see through fast, and you will lose credibility.

14.   Not focussing on the right technologies

Being in the digital medium, if you are not using technical tools, you are somewhere making a grave mistake.

Tools help you make better decisions, help you understand your following, and readership better. They throw light on your following, quality, and quantity, and so on.

It does not have to be paid tools only. There are free ones and the nominally charged ones too. Go in with these initially but use them for the betterment of your blog.

Mistakes to Avoid for Mommy Bloggers

15.  Mistakes to Avoid for Mommy Bloggers | Not using social media or other promotional platforms

Remember marketing is as important as publishing content. And what can be more powerful than social media today. Take advantage of the platform to share, spread the word around. Indulge in a bit of paid advertising and marketing to get better returns.

Marketing and promotional activities have not lost their essence, and they are as important in the virtual medium as in the real world. 

So this is my list of most commonly committed mistakes that mom bloggers often end up doing. I hope that you as a dedicated mom blogger are not doing any of these in your blogging journey. And if you are, it is time to take corrective actions now and take your blog to the next level. 

Make sure that you give time to your blogging and treat it as seriously as any other profession. Take all the necessary steps to ensure that your blog is profitable, rewarding & fulfilling at the same time. 

In case you have any other point related to our discussion above, feel free to get in touch with me or write that in comments section of this blog. I would make sure to give it a fair read and include it in the post too if found relevant.

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